Bottle design.
Uncompromising / Fit

Design a user-friendly, but at the same time innovative and unique bottle of sports drink Fat Burner. The essential points of the new design and keywords: modern, natural, innovative, northern, unique and unique.

Observe the ergonomics of the bottle. Easy to use at home as during active sports. The bottle should be well grasped and remain firmly in hand.

Uncompromising – Bottle is inspired by nature and flowing forms as a fire and water. Fire flames will twist and turn and the water will do the same when it is falling down.
Fit – The inspiration for the new bottle design were particularly followed by the keywords: athletic, trim, ergonomics, healthiness. Bottle new design will visualize the statement that in a healthy body there is healthy mind .

3rd semester 2014 autumn
Package design
Supervised by: Sixten Heidmets
Client: FB Drinks OÜ
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia

My purposal


